

300+ yogic techniques based on authentic yogic scriptures released. 10,000 people in 50+ countries initiated into Nithya Yoga. 600 meditation techniques from  yogic scriptures taught till now. 112 Nithya Kriyas – yogic healing solutions for mental, emotional, physical problems available freely over the internet. First time mass initiation into  108 kriyas by Paramahamsa Nithyanandain modern [...]

Nithya Yoga

Yoga for health, completion and bliss evaṁ prāṇamathoṅkāraṁ yasmātsarvamanekadhā। yunakti yuñjate vāpi yasmādyoga iti smṛtaḥ ॥ ekatvaṁ prāṇamanasorindriyāṇāṁ tathaiva ca। sarvabhāvaparityāgo yoga ityabhidhīyat ॥ “When the yogi unites his life-breath with aum or is united with the Wholein manifold ways, it is remembered as Yoga. This oneness of breath, mindand senses, the renunciation of all [...]