
Bringing to Life the Vedic Science of ‘Conscious Birthing’

yadi yonyāṁ pramuñcāmi sāṅkhyaṁ yogaṁ samāśraye asubhakṣayakartāraṁ phalamuktipradāyakam yadi yonyāṁ pramuñcāmi taṁ prapadye maheśvaraṁ asubhakṣayakartāraṁ phalamuktipradāyakam ||

“When I come out of this womb, I will take refuge in Sānkhya Yoga, whichdestroys misery and yields liberation; when I get out of this womb, I will take  refuge  in  Maheśvara  (Shiva),  who  destroys  misery  and  grants liberation.”

~ garbhopaniṣad (4)

What is eN Pregnancy?

In  the  Vedic  times,  conception  and  pregnancy  was  a  conscious  process  that brought highly evolved babies to the planet. eN Pregnancy is the revival of this Vedic science of creating a ‘New Gen’ of enlightened human beings. It empowers parents to be genetic engineers of their baby (eN Parenting program) perceiving pregnancy as a conscious choice,and not an ‘accident’.
